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中華職棒/犀牛拚第30勝 林英傑先發:
Jun 8th 2013, 19:34
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thumbnail 中華職棒/犀牛拚第30勝 林英傑先發
Jun 8th 2013, 13:47


2013年6月8日 21:47

"); $(".story_photo .videoPlay").hover ( function(){$(this).css({"opacity":"0"})}, function(){$(this).css({"opacity":"1"})} ) } //照片區塊出現 $(".story_photo").fadeIn(1000); //寫入第一張照片 var firstimg = $(".story_photo img:first").attr("rel"); $(".story_photo img:first").attr("src",firstimg); $(".story_photo li:not(:first)").hide(); //判斷是否有多張照片,寫入開關 var li_nums = $(".story_photo li").length; var openclose = ' 更多照片 ' if (li_nums > 1) { $(".story_photo .p_switcher").append(openclose); } //控制錨點 if (li_nums > 1) { $('.open_btn, .story_photo img').click(function(){ $('.news_story').ScrollTo(500); }); $('.close_btn, .story_photo img').click(function(){ $('.news_story').ScrollTo(500); }); } else { $(".story_photo img").css("cursor","none").attr("title","");//一張圖時 $(".p_switcher").hide(); } //點擊圖片或開關,展開其他圖片 $("a.open_close").click(function(){ //寫入其他圖片路徑 $(".story_photo img:not(:first)").each(function(){ var imgsrc = $(this).attr("rel"); $(this).attr("src",imgsrc); }); $(".story_photo li:not(:first)").slideToggle(500); $(".open_close span").toggle(); }); if (video_link>0){ // 如果有影音,點圖連到影音頁 $(".story_photo img, .story_photo .videoPlay").css("cursor","pointer").attr("title","點擊觀看影音新聞");//設定游標 $(".story_photo img, .story_photo .videoPlay").click(function(){ var videoURL = $(".story_photo .video_link a").attr("href"); location.href=videoURL; }); } else { //沒影音時,點圖展開其它圖 if (li_nums > 1) {//一張圖以上 $(".story_photo img").css("cursor","pointer").attr("title","點擊展開");//設定游標 } $(".story_photo img").click(function(){ //寫入其他圖片路徑 $(".story_photo img:not(:first)").each(function(){ var imgsrc = $(this).attr("rel"); $(this).attr("src",imgsrc); }); $(".story_photo li:not(:first)").slideToggle(500); $(".open_close span").toggle(); }); } //------------------- });
  • 犀牛9日由林英傑對兄弟象先發。(圖/資料照片義大犀牛提供)





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Jun 10th 2013, 20:29
Jun 10th 2013, 15:28



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